Digital Workplace

Digital Workplace - What is this?

The topic of the digital workplace, which allows us to perform our duties anywhere in the world (but mostly at home) exploded rapidly in 2020. Now it’s needed like never before.

Fortunately, the offerings of big tech companies are growing all the time and offer us everything a modern company needs.

But what is it actually? I will show with examples.

Digital Workplace - Details

Digital modern workplace (office suite) – what exactly does it mean?

The topic of the digital workplace, which allows us to perform our duties anywhere in the world (but mostly at home) exploded rapidly in 2020. Now it’s needed like never before.

Fortunately, the offerings of big tech companies are growing all the time and offer us everything a modern company needs.

But what is it actually? I will show with examples.

Digital workplace – real-life examples

Surely you have used these functionalities before:

  • Electronic mail
  • Sending and receiving emails
  • Uploading attachments in messages
  • Working on documents
  • Editing files locally in Microsoft Office programs
  • Communication
  • Forwarding messages to other employees
  • Storage space
  • Shared server or drive for files

A well selected and configured Digital Workplace will additionally allow you to, for example:

  • Reserving rooms and resources (desks, cars, IT equipment) in calendars
  • Enabling access to your calendar for clients (Bookings)
  • Create personalized applications for yourself or your team
  • Create advanced Business Intelligence (BI) reports
  • Create Sharepoint team pages
  • Create a hub for everything in IM (MS Teams or Gmail)
  • Create an organization’s intranet (Sharepoint)

These are just a fraction of the applications that can be implemented in an organization at the level of: a board, a business unit, a specific department or a specific employee.

What are the major office suite vendors?

Most of us have probably ever used office software from several companies. Is the scenario like “Gmail as a private inbox, Excel as a work tool”, “Google Calendar, but mail on Outlook”, “At school MS Teams, at work Google Workspace” familiar to you? You sure are. Learn to differentiate between the ecosystems to reap the most benefits.

Ways we can help

Long term support

Developico Support Services which provides access to a dedicated team of specialists.


We can help you with creating an app or fix the one you already have.


Courses. Workshops. Showing useful and simple tricks to improve the work on applications and helping you to better use the software.

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Understanding the business

Once we know key information about your company, we can see what tools you use and how you use them.

Use of your tools

We deliver solutions from start to finish. This means we focus on your business at the operational level.